Wednesday, April 11, 2012

month eight.

Month eight = 2/3 of the way through! It's hard to believe that I'm already at this point. There's only four more months left of JVC, and I'm so excited to see what they will hold. I feel like month eight contained a lot of my favorite memories of JVC so far, and I have a lot more to look forward to coming up. From St. Patrick's Day to spending a weekend on Peak's Island in Maine to Easter weekend, I just had a lot of fun this month, which is always a good thing! That's not to say that it was perfect or always exciting. Some of my favorite moments were just being with my community and just sitting around talking about nothing and everything. I guess that's part of what JVC is about though--embracing simplicity and just enjoying being with people. In short, I am especially grateful for the past month and all that it contained. I'm thankful for the people I have in my life in a special way.

month eight.

st. patty's day prep. the arrival of the notebook. the most beautiful weather. enjoying our balcony. baking, cooking, and cleaning. green beer. late night arrivals. saint patrick's day. chocolate chip pancakes. running through back bay to sakshi. playing tour guide downtown. a trip to foley's. dancing dancing dancing. late night tunes. southie parade. jp licks. writing in the notebook.

post-st. patrick's day slump. a rough week. speakers and workshops at CH. friday night vampire diaries.
the hunger games. a bus ticket. a really bizarre night. stolen cupcakes. a first cab ride. life chats and popcorn and maggie's floor.

st. cecelia's and sowa. sunday afternoon naptime. vampire diaries season one: dominated. anticipation & counting down. new irish intern. ch gardening workshop. running through south station. riding the ferry. arriving on the island.

sunrise & sunset.

watching the sunrise off the coast of peak's island. long walks on the beach. homemade ravioli. being able to see the stars. lifting boulders. livin' like we're mayan, part two. rules 4, 5, & 6. life lessons. palm sunday mass. getting our markers back.

easter prayer at casserly house. judy bloom. taking chances. the best postscript ever. a day off. spiritual direction. cafenation. fish tacos and good friday services. cinnamon sugar pull apart bread. lazy easter weekend. easter services at st. cecelia's. planting herbs at home and planting strawberries at CH. community reunions.

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