Monday, May 14, 2012

a weekend in DC.

So, I'm really behind on this blogging thing. My Month 9 recap will hopefully be coming tomorrow, but in the meantime, here's a quick peek into my trip to Washington, DC a few weeks back. I got to spend the weekend with the wonderful Sakshi doing some of the things that we do best.

We wandered around Georgetown... 

... got fro yo ... 


... saw some monuments and did tourist-y things ... 

... ate brunch (and generally did a lot of other eating) ... 

... generally lounged around ... 

... and accidentally wore matching clothes, stayed up too late talking, and laughed too much to tell.

In short, it was wonderful to get to explore a new city, but mostly it was wonderful to be reunited with one of my best friends. Miss you already, kid.

P.S. But I still think Boston is better. Sorry, DC. :)

all pictures brought to you by instagram--because we are a little obsessed.

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