Monday, April 4, 2011

new theme song.

"She said I think I'll go to Boston
I think I'll start a new life
I think I'll start it over
where no one knows my name"
As I have previously mentioned, I officially have post-college plans (finally). I will be spending next year serving as a Jesuit Volunteer! Coming to this point has been a long process, and while I'm sad to be leaving SLU and Missouri, I am also really thrilled about this next step.

As I will be spending my JVC year in Boston, Augustana's "Boston" seems a particularly appropriate song at the moment. I think I have a new theme song. :)

I know that this next year will be full of new challenges and a lot of growing pains as I learn to deal with post-grad life, but I'm so excited to explore a new city, meet new people, and do some incredibly rewarding work. (I don't know how I'm going to deal with a New England winter, but that's another story.)

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